Driving to work today, filled with the everyday thoughts of another day of work and life ahead of me…Also, feeling a little frustrated with the traffic and monumental question of what to do this weekend with my wife and family. I’m a little down right? Well, as I rush to work I notice the fuel gauge reading 1/8, just great right. You know the feeling… Wow, just what I wanted to do this morning. Just to stop and get gas to add to the start of my day was making me a little frustrated. As I pulled into the station, I begin to wonder where the attendant is so I may get on my way quickly. I stop in front of the pump, shut off the car, and look around for the attendant. From the rear view mirror, I notice a sixtyish bearded man with a turban slowly open my gas cap and start pumping my gas (thank you NJ). As he pumps, I notice his wrinkled hands and face that show many years of experience…As I count the seconds getting more anxious by the minute knowing I need to get back on the highway to sit in traffic again. As I look in the side view mirror and see him fumbling with his phone. He looked at me through the mirror and begins to jester to me to do something. I then looked at my son, also in the car with me and became very curious. I get out of the car and notice he wants me to do something with his phone. He starts to explain to me in broken English that he would like me to take a picture of him… I’m startled by the request. However, I see no harm in it so I take the phone and begin to take the picture of him. He looks at me as I begin to take the picture and says wait, and he then instructs me to make sure I get all of him in the picture as he poses proudly pumping the gas. He then ask me to take another as he firmly grasped the pump and smiles at me! This smile is so genuine and proud I begin to feel great joy and happiness in my heart.I am now not only curious but fascinated by what I’m experiencing in this moment. I can’t stop myself from asking him the question…”who is this picture for”. He barely understands, so I ask him again…”Who is this picture for? He replies, ”My wife in India”. At that moment, I felt a tear form in my eye...As I left I said “Thank You” to the man - not for the gas but for allowing me to be a part of his journey, humbled again.Thanks for reading, enjoy your day! #BelieveLikeMe
